Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What Grown Up People Do

So the title somehow was a bit grumpy I can tell :) I am bored even though I have lots to revise but who can stay at in front of the books for more that 30 minutes during holidays :)

But nevermind, since I have been attached to the internet connection I used to go to the Youtube and watch people singing and cooking. It is amazing on how at first I was supposed to check out the latest cove from Sam Tsui and somehow I ended up watching Cake Boss. How addictive the show is!

And I have been 18 for few months now but the truth is, I'm still checking on websites for kids~ playing barbie doll online and matching up styles on H&M website. haha funny I did that. Lols

Another fun fact is that this blog is created to enhance my English writing and conversational skills so I won't look stupiddss during interview~ bhahaha. Currently I'm waiting for the interview result. Maybe I'm accepted and maybe I'm not. Or if I'm accepted, am I going for it? Another dilemma. Haish.


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