Monday, August 29, 2011


Di Stesen Keretapi. (Alor Setar)
~ Dj playing Yiruma-May Be~
Izanny sedang berbual bersama pak cik dan mak ciknya.
Izanny : Terima kasih uncle and aunty sebab dah susah payah hantar Izanny ke stesen.
Pak cik : Ala, bukan jauh sangat pun. Lagipun, uncle dah banyak terhutang budi dengan parents
kamu. Nampaknya, keretapi dah sampai ni. Izanny jaga diri baik baik ya.
Mak cik : Izanny belajar rajin rajin ya. Barusan ibu kamu call, katanya mereka udah nyampai di Jakarta. Take care ya sayang. Next semester kalau kamu nggak pulang ke Jakarta, stay di sini lagi ya.
Izanny : Ok. I’ll miss you guys. (bersalam-salaman)
Di atas keretapi.
(Izanny memakai headphone, melayan lagu Lady Gaga- Just Dance)
Izanny : (menyanyi) Just Dance... gonna be ok..tut..turrut..tu.. just dance..
11D... 11D... mana seat aku ni..? tak da stewardess ke nak layan aku? Tension betul.
Menyesal tak naik flight.. if flight, just 45 minutes to kl.. naik train.. 8 jam setengah!
Menyesal! Menyesal !
(Izanny nampak seatnya)
Izanny : 11D. Gotcha! Ustaz mana pulak duduk sebelah aku ni? Baca buku physics pulak tu.
~Dj playing Glad You Came- The Wanted~
Stranger: Oh, seat awak ke? Sorry.
Izanny : Yea~ no, it’s ok.
(Izanny terus menarik luggagenya dan duduk di seatnya)
~the song stop~
Stranger: Tak sakit ke kaki awak. Nak saya tolong letak luggage awak kat atas?
Izanny : Huh, tak pe ke? Susahkan awak je. By the way, beg saya berat ni.
Stranger: It should be ok. I’m a guy.
Izanny : Thanks.
Stranger: Awak student ke? Nak balik mana?
Izanny : Yup. Nak balik UKM, Pusat PERMATApintar.
Stranger: Wow, budak pandai ni. Bangganya dapat duduk sebelah anak emas Datin Rosmah.
Izanny : Tak da la. Saya biasa biasa ja. Awak?
Stranger: I’m 17. From Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Syah, Klang. I guess we’re heading towards the same
Izanny : Cool.
Stranger: Best tak belajar kat sana?
Izanny : Mestilah best! It’s like a dream comes true. How about you? Mesti suasana kat sana
dipenuhi dengan orang orang yang baik or alim.
Stranger: Oh, you guessed it right!
Izanny : I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t find someone like me there. (looking rather down)
Stranger: Merendah diri plak. Setiap orang ada kelebihan masing masing. Saya pun, nama je Hafiz,
tapi tak la menghafaz sangat. Not sleepy?
Izanny : No. Oyasuminasai.
Stranger: Whatever it means.
(Izanny berjaga sepanjang malam. Dia tersenyum. Ini kali pertama dia berjumpa lelaki sebaik ini)
Stranger: Kita dah kat mana ni?
Izanny : Almost there. Good morning.
Stranger: I forgot to ask your name.
Izanny : Izanny.
Stranger: oh.
Izanny : you?
Stranger: Saya kan dah cakap malam tadi. I’m Hafiz.
Izanny : Kita dah sampai.
Stranger: Saya akan simpan memori ni dalam kenangan. Duduk di sebelah budak pintar.
Izanny : (terharu)
Stranger: We’ll meet again di airport one day.
~Dj playing Enya-Only time~
(Dalam kekecohan dan kebisingan di platform, mereka terpisah)
~the song stop when everyone’s out of the stage~
Di Kolej Kediaman.
~Dj playing When The Love Falls- Yiruma~
(Izanny sedang berdoa)
Izanny: Ya tuhanku, jika benar dia jodohku, simpanlah perasaan ini untuk selamanya.
Di asrama Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Syah. (KISAS)
(Hafiz sedang berdoa)
Hafiz : Pertemukanlah aku dengannya suatu hari nanti.
Hafiz & Izzany : Biarlah rasa cinta ini berkekalan selama-lamanya. Amin.
~the song stop~
(Afini masuk)
Afini : Zanny, cepat siap. Kita dah lambat ni.
Izanny : ok. Let’s get going.
Di tasik KEJUT.
Tommy : Hey Zanny. Kau ada nampak Gabby and Farid tak. Aku ada benda nak bagi ni.
Izanny : Hey Tom. Miss you so much. Itu pun budak berdua tu.
Farid & Gabby: Hey you guys!!!
(hugging each other)
Tommy: I’ve got something for you guys from Italy. Come, sit down. This is for my beautiful ladies.
~Dj playing Beast-Beautiful~
(Tommy dancing Beast- Beautiful)
Gabby & Zanny: Stop! Cepat la.
~the song stop~
Tommy: Nah! For you berdua. Cantik kan?
Gabby & Zanny: Thanks... Cantik sangat.
Tommy: This 1 for our gentleman. Hey Zanny. Asyik senyum je. Stop building castle in the air.
Izanny : Shut up! I’m in seven heaven.
Farid : oooo I see.. Sebenarnya, I ada kerja ni. Got to go. See you guys later kay.
~Dj playing Hanya Tuhan yang Tahu-UNIC~
Gabby : Ok. Bye Farid. So, what’s up with my friend? Senyum memanjang.
Izanny : I’ve found my destiny. He’s so kind, good looking, pious, perfect.
Tommy: Oh my god! You said you don’t have a thing for a Malay guy.
Gabby : People’s heart change. Zanny, you like him?
Izanny : Hanya tuhan yang tahu.
~the song stop when everyone out of the stage~
Setahun kemudian.
Di sekolah. (para pelajar menerima keputusan ke luar negara. Para pelajar sibuk..)
Afinie : Izanny, kau makin berseri nampaknya. Going oversea?
Izanny : Yup. I’m over the moon. Kau pun kan?
Afinie : yea~ I see. Kat mana?
Izanny : Manchester, UK. I’m going this weekend.
Tommy & Gabby: Zanny!
Izanny : Tom, Gabby. Still remember my story last year? I really hope dapat jumpa dia kat airport
Gabby : Ala Zanny, kau kan dah banyak berdoa. Demi cinta suci, kalau Tuhan izinkan, pasti kau akan
jumpa dia lagi.
Farid : Aku setuju dengan cakap Gabby tu. Jangan buat muka sedih kau tu. Kawan kawan, this
weekend, kita ramai ramai hantar Zanny ke airport kay.
Afinie, Tommy, Gabby: Ok.
Izanny : Aku pergi dulu kay. I’ll miss you guys.
Semua : OK! (wish Zanny)
(Izanny berjalan sambil mencari passport dari dalam handbagnya. Hafiz dari arah bertentangan)
Izanny : Ouch! (Izanny terlanggar Hafiz) sorry.. Saya betul- betul tak sengaja...
~Dj playing Moonlight-Yiruma~
Hafiz : Izanny?(terkejut)
Izanny : Hafiz?(terkejut)
Hafiz : Saya tak sangka awak masih ingat janji kita dulu.
Izanny : Saya pun.
Hafiz : I’m late for my flight. Borrow your phone. ( type in his address, e mail and phone no)
Izanny : Thanks. Give me yours. (type in her FB address and phone no)
Hafiz : Kita akan jumpa lagi. Janji ya? Sarang hae.
Izanny : Whatever it means. Aishiteru.
(mereka berbalas senyuman dan meneruskan perjalanan)
~the song eventually stop when everyone get out from the stage~

Friday, August 26, 2011


When I act like this I realize I’m actually young
right in front of me but I don’t know what to do
How do did you start love?
People who have loved please tell me
Will there be a day when I hold his hand?
Will there be a day when I kiss him above his closed eyes?

Hello Hello I acted confidently
Hello Hello I want to talk to you for a moment
Hello Hello I might stutter a little, though
Who knows we might actually be together

Should I confront
Should I wait?
It’s harder when everyone else says something different (You can’t believe it right?)
Having high standards, this isn’t a usual thing for me
Please believe in me yeah
Will there be a day when I hug freely
I believe that what we think can come true

Hello Hello I acted confidently
Hello Hello I want to talk to you for a moment
Hello Hello I might stutter a little, though
Who knows we might actually… oh yeah

This is not the first time
Truthfully I’ve loved and parted
But it’s hard, please believe in me
You are different

Hello Hello This time I’ll put myself out there
Hello Hello Ooh yeah~ Baby Baby Baby
Hello Hello I don’t know how you’re feeling now
Who knows we might actually…

Hello Hello Uh~~yeah
Hello Hello Please give me a chance
Hello Hello I don’t know how you’re feeling now
Who knows we might actually….
Hello Those times together circle around me and can be compared to no other blissful feelings No More I can’t express feelings anymore so if you take my hand Never let you go If this is love I’ll never let it go
Who knows us two
This might be destiny
Hello Hello

*I edited this


The last time I believe in the word ‘HOPE’ is during my final year of primary school. And since, I put a cross on that word in the dictionary. There’s nothing you can do if it is fate. HOPE? I wasted my time hoping that one day, my life will be better. But there’s no such thing.

I hope that one day I will get what I want. But I will never get it.

I hope one day I can believe the word HOPE once again.

Dearest Fortune Teller

It has been a very long time since my last post. Seriously, I’ve been struggling with classes and life without laptop. It turns out as bad as you could say. Probably.. 76 days without laptop tasted like 76 days without drugs. LOL~

I’m home at last... for hari raya celebration. But i do miss school... especially certain part of it. Such as ~~~~ i can’t say.

Here it is. On January, someone said that this thing will be true.. i never believe in her word really. But now, since that it is true, I’m afraid. It is something that I can’t do. It is something that I have to stay away from. Something that will kill me eventually.

I have been so ignorant. I’m so sorry.

Circular Measure~

Love is a cycle..when u love, u get hurt.. when u get hurt, u hate.. when u hate, u try to forget.. when u try to forget, u start missing.. when u start missing, eventually u will fall in love again..

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hukum Kanun Melaka

The early provisions of the Hukun Kanun Melaka gives a picture of a sultanate whose rulers had arrived at a juncture where it was felt that a clear statement or reassertion of their status and power was in order and that the preservation of their position could best be achieved through the compilation of rules. What emerged was a set of rules which, in framing a code of conduct for the negeri (state), reaffirmed the primacy of adat – the customs and traditions of the Malays that had been the mainstay of the evolving society – while at the same time accommodating and assimilating some Islamic principles. The Hukun Kanun included some measure of grandeur and loftiness in the provisions that touched on court culture and its main concern was with the regulation of personal relationships, behaviour and property. The Malacca Malays had already arrived at a stage where distinct and enduring characteristics and values had developed: their day-to-day lives were governed by adat, their socio-political institutions were able to cope with the emergence of Malacca as an important centre of trade, money was widely used, and their language exhibited a remarkable ability to assimilate foreign words. Against this background, the Hukun Kanun Melaka was formulated which the Malacca rulers saw as an important in regulating society. It laid down laws in 44 chapters which also includes a section on maritime law.