Thursday, July 17, 2014

Get Back

I am terrible at doing so many things at one time which basically means multi tasking. I am bad for not keeping up with this blog since God knows when. I am a lady now, 19 and healthy (or not due to overweight ish!). Just finished my first year as dental student and God knows how much I suffered the last 2 semesters.

Took 4 basic sciences subject and failed miserably at two of them named Biochemistry and Physiology. But at a brighter side of life, I managed to pass Anatomy and Oral Biology which are at the same level of intensified hardness if I could tell (confession of the survivor). So I had to re-seat for the 2 papers I failed in August 2014 haihhh my summer is ruined. By the time I’m posting this latest entry I wish to delete all my information and making this blog not private anymore so people can read and I wish to share tips and tricks towards healthier, non stressful life.

Basic tip #1.

All of us should stop complaining and start doing, and that’s definitely how I gather all my shits and sit down at the main library UKM Bangi and started studying Anatomy. The entire study weeks I pulled out every energy left inside of me to save my grades (without complaining ‘I can’t understand what the lecturer saying’ ‘I hate this subject’ ‘why I have to study everything I just want to be a dentist’). I did complained a lot before till I realised there’s no use of complaining if you can’t get the job done.
Therefore I hope, once again I can’t pulled up my sleeves and sit down and study these 2 papers so hard. Graduating in only 5 years, never more.

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